
Peer-Reviewed Publications (Published/Accepted):
[15] D. Lee, F. Davenport, S. Shukla, G. Husak, C. Funk, M. Budde, J. Rowland, J. Verdin. (accepted). Contrasting Performance of Panel and Time-series Data Models for Subnational Crop Forecasting in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
[14] S. Shukla, F. Zaheer, A. Hoell, W. Anderson, H. Jayanthi, G. Husak, D. Lee, B. Barker, S. Pervez, K. Slinski, C. Justice, J. Rowland, A. McNally, M. Budde, J. Verdin. (2024) ENSO based outlook of droughts and agricultural outcomes in Afghanistan. Weather and Climate Extremes.
[13] H. Roland, K. Curtis, K. Malecki, D. Lee, P. Block, J. Bazo. (2023). Geographic Isolation and Vulnerability Across Peru’s Ecological Regions: The Influence of Regional Contexts of Extraction. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.
[12] J. Lala, D. Lee, J. Bazo, P. Block. (2022). Evaluating prospects for subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast-based anticipatory action from a global perspective. Weather and Climate Extremes.
[11] D. Lee, F. Davenport, S. Shukla, G, Husak, C, Funk, L. Harrison, A. McNally, M. Budde, J. Rowland, J. Verdin. (2022). Maize yield forecast using earth observation and machine learning for Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security.
[10] D. Lee, J. Y. Ng, S. Galelli, P. Block. (2022). Unfolding the relationship between seasonal forecast skill and value in hydropower production: A global analysis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
[9] F. Davenport, S. Shukla, W. Turner, C. Funk, N. Krell, L. Harrison, G. Husak, D. Lee, S. Peterson. (2021). Sending out an SOS: using start of rainy season indicators for market price forecasting to support famine early warning. Environmental Research Letters.
[8] C. Keating, D. Lee, J. Bazo, P. Block. (2021). Leveraging multi-model season-ahead streamflow forecasts to trigger advanced flood preparedness. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
[7] D. Lee, H. Ahmadul, J. Patz, P. Block. (2021). Predicting social and health vulnerability to floods in Bangladesh. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
[5] D. Lee, P. Ward, P. Block. (2018). Identification of symmetric and asymmetric responses in seasonal streamflow globally to ENSO phase. Environmental Research Letters.
[3] D. Lee, P. Ward, P. Block. (2015). Defining high-flow seasons using temporal streamflow patterns from a global model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
[2] D. Lee, J. Choi, S. Shin, J. Yi. (2013). A study on proper number of subbasin division for runoff analysis using Clark and ModClark methods in midsize basins, Journal of The Korean Society of Civil Engineers.
[1] D. Lee, C. Choi, M. Yu, J. Yi. (2012). Reevaluation of multi-purpose reservoir yield, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association.

Phone: 204.480.1828


Address: E1-428 EITC, 15 Gillson Street, University of Manitoba

Phone: 204.480.1828


Address: E1-428 EITC, 15 Gillson Street, University of Manitoba

Phone: 204.480.1828


Address: E1-428 EITC, 15 Gillson Street, University of Manitoba

Lee Research Lab | Department of Civil Engineering | University of Manitoba

© 2024 Donghoon Lee. All rights reserved.